Over fall break I decided to go down to North Carolina to visit some family. I have a few cousins and a couple aunts that live in the Charlotte area. I spent most of my time with my cousin Kristi and her family, Ian and Kylie. It was a nice change from the busy college life to go down there and have my main objective be to keep Kylie who is two and their dog Maya entertained so they could get some stuff done. I also went to visit my Aunt Carol Lynn and went with her to surprise her daughter Sara by picking her up from school. She was rather surprised and somewhat speechless for a few minutes after getting in the car, she just sat in the back seat and giggled, it was pretty cute. Here are a few pictures from my visit.

Kylie and Maya after a "Nice walk!"

Kylie loved taking pictures with my camera!
Kylie loves her grandma (my Aunt Saundra) and me too.
Cousin Sara and Me! She is getting pretty big and she is in the first grade!
It was a nice and refreshing visit/get-away, it wasn't fun leaving, especially knowing I would be coming back to school, but I hope to see them again soon. I also saw several other family members, but I either didn't get a picture of them, or got one that they didn't care for... for instance, I got a picture of my cousin Traci as she was turning away, so it is more like the back of her head! Know that I was thinking about you Traci, I almost posted it!
Thanks again for all your help ~ we couldn't have completed this move so easily without you! You know where our new house is and are welcome ANYTIME.
I'm glad I was able to see you~even if it was for a short time.
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