I don't know if any of you have ever had this happen back in your college days, but I want to share my little bit of what I call frustrating joy.
I woke up today at 7:30 to be at my 8 o'clock class, which I love going to by the way. I was a little impressed with myself too because I was able to be ready in time that I could walk extremely slow to class and still make it on time, which doesn't normally happen, it is usually a brisk walk to get into class seconds before roll call. Anyway, I got to the building where my class was and saw two other people from the class sitting outside. I was quickly informed that class had been cancelled.
If you have had much or any college experience I am sure that you have had class cancelled, but that isn't my frustration, that was more of the joy part. The frustrating part is a result of the joy. I was so excited that my 8 o'clock class was cancelled that I "excited myself awake" in a sense. It is very difficult for me to get back to sleep now, thus, I am writing here (which I haven't done for a while, so I would like to take this time to apologize). I will be writing soon, I hope you all are doing well.
Sorry if this wasn't what you expected, I just felt like this was a place where I could share my frustration with y'all.