I just ask that you think of him and his family, John and my aunt Carol Lynn, and lift them up in prayer through this time.
It's been a while since I have seen him, but every time I saw him he was all smiles and the nicest guy. Just a small reminder of the importance of knowing life really can end at any time no matter who you are.
It's tragic, isn't it? The accident was yesterday. Can you send me your email address? I seem to have lost it again.
I'm in shock too! How fragile we as humans are. How we must remember to tell those that we love how much they mean to us ~ I love you kiddo!
What a loss. Thank God that we know that Jonathan knew Jesus personally and is now in heaven walking on those streets of gold.
There were 100's of people who came to the visitation and funeral which was such a tribute to the kind, fun-loving person Jonathan was. His minister talked about times when Jonathan would bring other youth to church and lead them to Jesus. Praise God.
What a blessing that you know Jesus as well, Jordan. You are much loved and respected.
Love, Aunt Saundra
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