Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One Week From Today

Anyone know what it is?

You might find yourself thinking... did I forget an important date?

Chances are, you haven't and chances are, you aren't as concerned with what happens next Tuesday as I am. Next Tuesday marks the start of my final semester of classes... ever!

Ok, well maybe not ever, but for a while at least. I won't be graduating though, because I still have to do an internship. No further updates yet on where that will be, but I'm talking with as many people/churches as I can.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas. I have enjoyed catching up on what some of you have been doing via blog. I need to get to work on my end of that.

I had a good Christmas, or should I say 4 Christmases! 3 days and 4 Christmases makes for a busy time, but less busy than years past I do believe. At least it felt that way. It was good seeing my many siblings. At my dad's house this year we had 7 adults, 2 kids, and 4 dogs at the house. It was fun because it was like that for very long, but I enjoyed having everyone there. The kids got the parents a Wii Fit. I had never played it before, but I was a little skeptical of it. Turns out it is very good and very accurate to what you are doing. I like it a lot. I also spent a fair amount of time (and by that I mean, way more than necessary amount of time) brushing up on my wii bowling skills and wii golf. I'm not sure if anyone is excited about this as I am, but I am fairly proud of myself.

Other than Christmas we had an all-nighter at the church for New Years Eve. There were over 80 kids and I woke up the next day very sore. I think I'm getting to old for those things! ;)

My friend got ordained in Louisville, so a couple of us drove down to see him. It was a great service and it was great to see him, as he and his wife recently moved to Texas.

In other news. I went to a national preaching festival in Louisville this past week. It was an interesting time. There were many people from many different denominations, backgrounds, and races there, so it was interesting to here the different preaching styles. I might tell a little more about that in a later post, but for now I just wanted my faithful followers to know that I am still alive, kickin, and getting ready to finish out my last 3 classes of my undergrad career!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

We were hoping that one week from today was your next road trip to NC...
Congratulations on your last semester!
And our Christmas gift to each other is a Wii. We haven't gotten it yet, but when we do it will be great ~ and I'm pretty good at bowling. You'll have to keep your game up for when you visit!