Saturday, October 25, 2008

Corn Maze and Costumes and a Few Scares

Today I went and looked at some Halloween costumes at several different stores. I didn't buy anything, but we went into one store that was just awesome and decorated for Halloween, it was kinda creepy. We went in this one room and there was a fake man laying on a table and just had blood and guts all over him and there was a coffin next to him. The people I was with walked down the other side, but they could still see me. I noticed before I got to the coffin that the guys stomach was a weird shape so I got a little closer and right as I started to lean in to see what was up with his stomach he sat straight up and I jumped and yelled so loud it wasn't funny at all. There were only a couple other guys than the two that were with me, but everyone was laughing so hard at me it was terrible. I like to be the one scaring people, I don't like being on the receiving end!

Then I had a quick meeting for the Jr. High retreat I am running. People really got pretty excited about it and that made me even more excited than I already am, I didn't think that was possible but apparently it is.

After the meeting the youth group went to a corn maze. I went with the intention of scaring someone worse than I was scared at the store, but that didn't happen. This was one of the corn mazes that was like a scavenger hunt in a maze of corn, it was like you have to get through a maze... I don't know if that is what you thought a corn maze was but I was a little disappointed.

Since I didn't get to scare anyone there, I went to my friends house afterwards to watch the Ohio State game (I wasn't that interested in the game, but my friends were there so I went). I took him home and we were the first ones back and he had this mask... you can probably see where this is going, but to get into his living room from the door you walk by a bathroom in a dimly lit hall, you're probably getting the picture. I scared every single person that walked into that house, some of them even twice, don't ask me how you fall for it twice but some people just don't learn! Needless to say this was quite a consolation for not being able to scare anyone in the corn maze.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I'm glad I wasn't there. I hate being scared. Glad you had a good time though.