Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome Home Lieutenant Colonel David Searle

After my eventful Friday, I didn't really do a whole lot. Saturday I met my dad at the mall and sat in the "man chair" in Elder Bereman while Anita shopped... and by shopped I mean she took about 10 things into the dressing room, no idea how many she tried on, then came out and hung about all of them back up then proceeded with the same process. I have no idea how many times the process repeated, but my dad and I went to get something to drink and walked around a bit and about a half hour after we came back she had about 3 things she wanted! My dad and I had a good time talking though.

Then we went to the Searle's house, some of you might have heard them referred to as my third family, since both of my parents live about a half hour away from my church, whenever I am hanging around the church on the weekends most of the time I go and stay at their house or my other friend Nick's house. Anyway, we went to celebrate the return of Lieutenant Colonel David Searle, returning home from Iraq. He was a very happy man, he normally is, but there was extra happiness since he has been home. He is a wonderful piano/keyboard "ist", so we got to jam a little that night which was very fun. I wish I had a picture of him, but I don't have a good one, maybe sometime soon!


Kristi said...

Glad your friend is home from Iraq! I prayed for he and his family frequently. Now let's just get that brother of yours back from Afghanistan...

Jordan Carl said...

For serious, (if that is a real expression) he needs to get back!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are blogging!! Now I can keep up with you. Seems you have dropped off the earth.

More later.

Aunt Deanna